sexta-feira, 8 de março de 2013

Aborto aumenta mortalidad materna y daña salud de mujeres, aseguran expertos ante ONU

NUEVA YORK, 08 Mar. 13 / 04:39 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- Expertos en medicina argumentaron en Nueva York ante la Comisión Jurídica y Social de la Mujer de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU), que el aborto incrementa la tasa de mortalidad materna y daña la salud de las mujeres.

Los especialistas, provenientes de diversas partes del mundo, afirmaron que el aborto no es necesario para promover la salud de las mujeres ya que en realidad la perjudica.

Además rechazaron las hipótesis de los que apoyan la expansión del aborto como “derecho”, enfatizando que en los embarazos, incluso aquellos considerados como de alto riesgo, no generan un conflicto entre las necesidades de la madre y las del niño.

La Dra. Donna J. Harrison, Directora de Investigación de la Póliza Pública de la Asociación Estadounidense de Obstetras y Ginecólogas Provida, conversó con ACI Prensa luego de su intervención ante la ONU el 6 de marzo.


Harrison enfatizó que “los verdaderos cuidados médicos disminuyen la tasa de mortalidad materna, el aborto en cambio no” y señaló que las píldoras abortivas originan “una alza en las complicaciones después del aborto. Son mucho más peligrosas”.

La experta recordó que para los que promueven el aborto "es mucho más fácil promover una píldora que el aborto quirúrgico” porque para los que realizan esta práctica es “más barato dársela a una mujer, que cuidar de ella quirúrgicamente o estar disponible para ella en caso se presentara alguna complicación".

Señaló asimismo que las píldoras, al no estar necesariamente bajo la supervisión de un médico, se administran libremente y sin haber examinado a la mujer “y sin ningún plan de seguimiento". Todo eso es lo que en realidad aumenta el riesgo de mortalidad.

La doctora subrayó que en países en vía de desarrollo, si se presentan complicaciones como hemorragia severa y abortos incompletos, “se convierten en muerte” porque la mujer no tiene la posibilidad de acceder a una atención de emergencia inmediata.

Otro de los especialistas que intervino ante la Comisión fue el Dr. Eoghan De Faoite, miembro de la Junta de la Comisión de Excelencia en la Salud Materna de Irlanda.

El médico criticó los ataques internacionales a la defensa de la vida a través de la prohibición del aborto en Irlanda y precisó que esta práctica no es un procedimiento médicamente necesario.

De Faoite dijo que Irlanda tiene una de las tasas más bajas de mortalidad materna en el primer mundo y que no han experimentado el "aumento de la mortalidad" que se ve en otros países occidentales que han legalizado el aborto.

Además citó varios estudios que afirman que no hay datos que sugieran que el aborto disminuye la mortalidad materna.
El Dr. Elard Koch del Centro de Medicina Embrionaria y la Salud Materna en Chile explicó a su turno que los datos que demuestran un aumento de la mortalidad materna cuando se ha legalizado el aborto en diversos países alrededor del orbe.

Koch sostuvo que la mortalidad materna se puede reducir con la educación, teniendo más técnicos especializados en la atención de partos.

Precisó que una de las medidas que debe promoverse es que las mujeres tengan acceso a centros higiénicos de salud con un personal altamente calificado, en vez del aborto como alternativa que solo daña a las mujeres.

UN Agreement on Violence Against Women Threatened by Abortion Advocates - by Stefano Gennarini, J.D.

NEW YORK, March 8 (C-FAM) The meeting has barely begun and UN member states are already deadlocked in negotiations at the Commission on the Status of Women this week at UN headquarters. The new line of attack appears to be a push to establish abortion for cases of rape as a right of reparation under humanitarian law.

Delegates are under exceptional pressure to agree on a final document for the two week-long session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) because last year they failed to reach consensus. Despite avowals from delegates that it won't happen this year negotiations aren't getting any easier, especially when some member states continue to fuel disagreements by proposing controversial new language. Read More

UN Event Promotes Life in the "Tough Cases" - by Rebecca Oas, Ph.D.

NEW YORK, March 8 (C-FAM) As UN delegates in closed rooms debate language regarding access to abortion for women who have been violated, two women at an event blocks away presented a powerful argument for breaking the cycle of violence by rejecting abortion even when the child's conception is the result of rape.

When people say that women pregnant by rape should get an abortion, "I can tell you that it hurts," said Rebecca Kiessling. She was conceived in a brutal rape. "But I do understand that people don't put a face to this issue. For most it is just a concept." Read More

quarta-feira, 6 de março de 2013

Amar o Amor que muito nos Ama - por Nuno Serras Pereira

Neste texto direi, ao final, da razão, inesperada, que me leva a retirar-me da organização e distribuição dos pendões ou estandartes de Cristo. Mas para inteira inteligência desse motivo importará ler tudo desde o princípio, sem saltar precipitadamente para o fim.

06. 03. 2013
Atravessava os densos bosques de carvalhais seculares que então se estendiam por aquela larga planície, agora desflorestada, circundando a Igrejinha de Nossa Senhora dos Anjos, a caminho de Assis, quando ouviu grandes lamentos, fundos suspiros, vozes magoadas, um enorme pranto soluçando quantiosos sofrimentos. Aflito, deixou-se guiar pelos clamores até deparar com o pobrezinho, da cidade para onde se dirigia, prostrado por terra, numa agonia de penas Pelo que, estimulado pela caridade, logo lhe perguntou no intento de o socorrer, se estava ferido ou enfermo. Então, com o rosto inundado de copiosas lágrimas, S. Francisco, entre singultos, retorquiu a custo: O Amor não é amado! Eu devia ir pelo mundo chorando assim a Paixão do meu Senhor! O Amor não é Amado!

Mais tarde S. Francisco deixará aos seus discípulos a recomendação de muito amarem o Amor que muito os Amou. Esse Amor a que se refere é Jesus Cristo, é Deus. E a grande prova do Seu Amor, podemos dizer o selo que O autentica, é a Sua entrega, a morte de Cruz. Como aliás Ele próprio o diz, referindo-Se à proximidade da Sua Paixão, não há maior Amor do que dar a vida (na Cruz) pelos Seus amigos e ainda mais pelos inimigos, pois como diz outro passo das Escrituras, Ele deu a vida por nós quando ainda éramos Seus inimigos. Por isso, não há dúvida de que o Crucifixo é o grande sinal do Amor que muito nos Ama. Mais, é a maior figuração da eternidade de Deus e da Sua Ressurreição de entre os mortos, uma vez que como Ele próprio afirma, Eu dou a vida para retomá-la de novo. De facto, se tivéssemos que sintetizar o Cristianismo numa palavra ou numa imagem, assim o creio, seria Crucifixo. Tudo ali está resumido, tudo ali está anunciado. 

Ninguém pense que os cristãos são uma cambada de gente sinistra que pinta ou modela lúgubres cadáveres suspensos de cruzes venerando-os macabramente nas Igrejas, e trazendo-os tetricamente dependurados ao peito. Se assim fora seríamos os mais desgraçados de entre os homens. Mas Aquele morto que ali é representado está ali Vivo. O Catecismo da Igreja Católica (nº 626) declara-o muito bem: 

“Uma vez que o «Príncipe da Vida», a quem deram a morte (518), é precisamente o mesmo «Vivente que ressuscitou» (519), é forçoso que a pessoa divina do Filho de Deus tenha continuado a assumir a alma e o corpo, separados um do outro pela morte:

«Embora Cristo, enquanto homem tenha sofrido a morte e a sua santa alma tenha sido separada do seu corpo imaculado, nem por isso a divindade se separou, de nenhum modo, nem da alma nem do corpo: e nem por isso a Pessoa única foi dividida em duas. Tanto o corpo como a alma tiveram existência simultânea, desde o início, na Pessoa do Verbo; e, apesar de na morte terem sido separados, nenhum dos dois deixou de subsistir na Pessoa única do Verbo» ”.
E a indicação mística disso mesmo, é que Ele apareceu Crucificado a vários Santos que O adoravam e, como nos casos de S. Francisco de Assis e de S. Bernardo de Claravale, desprendeu um dos braços do madeiro para com eles se abraçar. E a S. Francisco apareceu Crucificado, num velocíssimo voo de Amor, imprimindo nos seus membros os Seus estigmas. É por isso que quem rejeita o Crucifixo repulsa o Ressuscitado. 

Não sei se haverá alguém no nosso tempo que Ame tão intensamente o Amor que muito nos Amou, como S. Francisco. É bem possível. Mas sei que há muitos que o Amam e procuram intensificar ainda mais esse mesmo Amor com a devoção (entrega verdadeira de si mesmos a Cristo Crucificado para com Ele se conformarem) ao Crucifixo que os conduz à doação Caritativa a todos os outros, em particular aos que mais precisam. 

Um, entre muitos, dos sinais desse zelo fervoroso de Amor ao Amor que muito nos Ama tem sido a quantidade de pessoas, para mim surpreendente, embora bem aquém do que seria desejável, que têm aderido ao estandarte de Cristo Crucificado, para o Ano da Fé.

Tendo recebido inúmeros pedidos, de pessoas espalhadas por Portugal, para enviar por correio os estandartes, e vendo-me na impossibilidade de o fazer veio em auxílio dessas gentes a Providência Divina que me enviou dois apóstolos muito competentes e disponíveis os quais se dispuseram com muita Caridade a tratar de tudo. Surpreendido, primeiro fiquei hesitante mas logo percebi que tudo devia ser colocar em suas mãos. De facto, sempre pensei simplesmente em dar, passe a expressão, o pontapé de saída.

Resta-me agradecer ao João Sotomayor o seu trabalho notável de designer e a extraordinária ajuda que me prestou, sem a qual, verdade seja dita, eu não teria conseguido nada.

Assim, exceptuados os casos de alguém que tenha algo pendente comigo, todos os pedidos ou encomendas deverão ser feitas a Joaquim Castro Pernas a Nuno Galvão Amado; email:; Telm: 96 801 67 84, ou 911 788 811, ou 96 448 52 35

À Honra e Glória de Cristo. Ámen.

terça-feira, 5 de março de 2013

Sent Forth to Father a People: Christ’s Priesthood in our Time - by Fr. Robert E. Markovitch, M.D.

In H&Pr 

The Pastoral Challenge:  Redeeming the Time in Which We Live
Recent sporadic efforts continue to challenge the maleness of the priesthood, even after the definitive teaching on the matter by the late, great confessor of the faith, Blessed Pope John Paul II. 1 This clear statement defining a point of faith echoed with one voice Catholic teaching from the reign of a recent predecessor, Pope Paul VI. 2 Of particular interest for Catholics of the twenty or more Eastern Churches, especially those the Byzantine Rite, these successors of St. Peter spoke with one voice with the Greek Catholic Archbishop of Constantinople, St. John Chrysostom, the father of their chief Divine Liturgy. 3 Truly, there is a need to explain this non-reformable teaching to the faithful.  Catholics, living amidst the storms of everyday life and morally-vague contemporary trends, can lose grounding in the firm, saving truth of revelation. Indeed, a proper understanding of the vocations male and female is crucial to the full understanding of the Church and her organic life, as well as the full blossoming of human society.

Christian Anthropology in Light of Revelation and Science
Revelation: In the beginning” of creation, God created the human race in His image, in a duality of hypostases, male and female. He gave a certain primacy to the man, or male, by ordinal creation directly from the ground, and by his serving as the determinative source of the genesis of the female in the creation accounts.  The woman was to the man of one substance, an equal and a helpmate.  This predication does not equate to total sameness. 4
The difference between the two hypostases of those created in God’s image was quick to manifest itself in revelation.  The enemy ruptured the feminine hypostasis, the “mother of all the living,” from “original justice” or full communion with God, through an appeal to autonomy, or independence—“freedom from God.”  She then led the male principle to the same misfortune.  Again, the equality of male and female did not include total sameness.

God was quick to respond. He moved to save the life he created in his own image by applying a punishment, yet even more so, a medicine.  The Divine Physician 5 acted to remove mankind from the danger of forever partaking of both good and evil mixed in confusion.  God did this by returning mankind—that is, the kind of life which began with and proceeds from man–to the ground from which “he” came.  But still yet, He reserved a “salvation” 6 of regeneration which was in (Your) Son.” 7 In the meantime, He, God applied to the man a medicine of dependence upon him. The male principle would sustain life by ‘making a living’ only with difficulty—just as a denial of the author of life is a denial of the fullness of life. For the woman, the pinnacle of her participation in Divinity—“procreation”—would be marked by the punishment and medicine of pain.  Her relationship with the primary male principle, would also be changed.  Woman would desire her husband and desire to rule over him—while man in turn would rule over her. Finally, God determined to break mankind’s prideful alliance with the enemy, the principle of evil, manifested through pride/disobedience—by inserting mutual enmity—separation and opposition.

This alliance-breaking opposition would be accomplished by the seed of the woman, man, striking with his heel at the head of the enemy.  The heel is the part of mankind that powerfully touches upon “the ground from which he came” the means of “incarnation.” The head of the serpent is the seat of understanding and will of the enemy—in Hebrew, “Satan.” Thus, through the incarnation, the superior analysis and scheming intentions of the evil one would be defeated by the taking flesh of the children of men! There was to be a new creation!

In the journey of the children of men to redemption in Jesus Christ, God chose one man to be the father of a nation, a chosen people, and to bless all nations in him!  Through Abraham, the patriarch or father-originating principle, a nation was determined.  This nation was from not just twelve children, but more importantly, twelve sons!  After each man, the tribes of Israel took their names. They took their place in the promised land, after their salvation-deliverance from the bondage of Egypt. Except that the tribe devoted to the priesthood did not receive the fullness of earth–rooted life in the assignment of their own separate land. 8 Their inheritance was the temple, the dwelling-place of God; they lived among the other tribes, who, in contrast, were rooted upon the earth.  These preparations foreshadowed the other-worldly consecration of a new covenant by which all nations would be blessed. 9

God acted upon this intention by determining a new beginning in time through a woman, reversing the Fall from paradise in the same order. She was termed by the Son-God as “woman” (Jn2:1-5), an allusion to Eve, as she was the new Eve—the mother of all those living—eternally. Her fiat to God’s determinative insertion and entering advance into the world undid the primal refusal of the first Eve.  Mary was by divine dispensation the only perfectly-graced sinless human person in history—a privilege given only to a woman. Through an ineffable mystery, she brought forth the one foretold by Daniel “as a Son of Man,” to whom was given power, and forever (Daniel8:13-14).  He was God, who fittingly took flesh as a male. Upon the commemoration of the sacrifice of a first-born male lamb—the Passover from the slavery of Egypt to the promised land of Israel—He initiated a new priestly covenant:  the Passover from mortal death to eternal life. This priestly work he handed to the keeping of twelve chosen men. Through this priesthood-fatherhood, He established the New Israel—and the race of men born into eternity took their name from this perfect man, Christ, “and were called “Christians” (Acts11:26). This new determining advance into the world created a New Israel according to the whole of mankind; in Greek, kata-holos, contracted to katholos (catholic). 10

This new determinative generation was authored by God, who took flesh as a man, a male, a “Son,” the perfect image of God, whom he authoritatively revealed as “Father.” The ordering of this new life was revealed in Sacred Scripture—in large part by St. Paul.  Paul was determined by God to be an apostle born out of time by the generation of God, and ordained to be the apostle to the nations (Acts 13:2-4) until the time of his leaving his earthly apostolic power in Rome. As a father, he left to his spiritual children (1Cor 4:15-16) the prescriptions for life on earth. In the family, the man was to be as Christ to the Church, a type of determinative principle of love-giving, a type of Christ; to the woman was given the vocation of listening, a type of the Church (Eph 5:21-33). In the Church, the male was assigned to teach (Mt28:16-20; 1Cor 14:33-37; 1Tim 2:11-15).

The Sciences.  In this regard, a re-visit to the order of creation is richly rewarding. Much of the eternal truths of the design of creation are revelatory in trace form with overwhelming generalizability cross-culturally. These are induced within the “men’s movement” as hunter-gatherer, warrior, and shaman-priest and king. This cultural being is undergirded by biology, a sub-science of the science of being. In the natural order, independent of the mysteries-sacraments of the new covenant, the marital act, mis-predicated among moderns as “sex,” is the deepest act of inter-communion between the two hypostases of the human race.  It is also, within the natural order, the pinnacle of approach to the Creator-God, a partaking and co-working of Divine power fittingly called “procreation.” Oddly enough, the mis-predication of this act as “sex” has birthed the bastardized concept of the marital union as the meeting of two “lovers.”  Such a novel construct stands in tension with the intellectually advanced wisdom-loving ancient Greeks.  They saw in the same act, not two “lovers,” but rather a “lover” and a “beloved.” In this act, the man or male is the entering, advancing and giving principle. The highest telic end of such an act is the procreation of a new being with the capacity for eternity. The determination of the hypostasis of the issue from such a union is given in love by the man. In medical terms, the sex of an offspring is determined by the contributed seed of the entering man, either as Y chromosome or X chromosome. 11

And so, it may come as a surprise to moderns that their “sex,” in actuality the creator-prescribed marital relations, is an act that is inherently asymmetrical. To wit, this act is NOT the intercourse of two identical persons in union.  It is rather, an asymmetrical act of the man entering the woman—an act not of symmetry but of complementarity. This truth undergirds the veneration of virginity in women in the venerable Christian tradition. Further, in life, ethics proceed from being; morality is a manifestation of, and procession from, ontology.  The marital union, as a pinnacle of human communion, and the epiphany of the divine creator in nature, is a sign and symbol of the relation of the sexes in nature and more especially in salvation.

The Mission and Role of the Male Principle in the Divine Economy
The truth of revelation shows that God is revealed in male categories:  as Father and Son, both male, and as Spirit—after the revelation as a full person of the Trinity in the New Covenant, in the language of the largest particular Catholic Church, the Latin Church, masculine, and in Ukrainian and Old Slavonic, the languages of the largest Eastern Catholic Church, and the second largest particular Catholic Church, masculine. 12 Each sex or gender images Him or reflects his image, differently.  The male principle, from the dawn of creation, is revealed to be entering and determinative.  That is, in creation, God acts as male, entering into the darkness to be determinative of form and species. In salvation, God as male principle, re-entered into Creation again to determine the differentiated roles and vocations of the sexes, or two human hypostases in the Fall. In the new creation, God entered into creation as male, a Son (Jn1:9-17).  In doing so, he entered into a union which more particularly revealed himself—the male hypostasis. He decreed through those, to whom he gave full power, the practical principles of the economy of this salvation in families, in husbandry, and in his body, the Church. He determines these things as male, and father to the receiving created earth as female.It would be ludicrous to assert that man and women reflect the image of God in the very same way.The God-Man, Jesus Christ, entered into creation as a male to save it. He gave a determination of a new people, wedded unto himself. He gave unto his chosen apostles the task of continuing his good and determinative entering into the world, which knew him not, unto his twelve chosen men to generate a determined new eternal life. This work was not given to males arbitrarily, nor was it work restricted to men subsequent to its’ conception.  It was, rather an intrinsically male work: advancing, entering, giving and determinative! This work of the priesthood included and includes the generation of new life in baptism, 13 a determination of a new creation, a new people of a new eternal character, via the entering into the world as a hunter-gatherer through evangelization.  This work includes the protection defense as a warrior through the sealing of the new determination to eternal life via the mystery/sacrament of chrismation/confirmation. This theo-anthropic mission is perfected through the theandricpriestly work of sacrifice of the unblemished lamb to appease the Father for the iniquities of the petitioners. This act is the bringing forth of the gifts of food from the world by the hunter-gatherer; also the sacrifice as a priest to reach to God the Father to please him. And so, it is also the act of a hero, who did what the rest of his own could not accomplish. The priest also would advance the generation of new life in the union of two souls in marriage.  In the particular Catholic Church of the Latin-Rite, this is done through official witness of a man in Holy Orders, as the new image of Christ and his Church, husband and wife, mutually confer the sacrament upon each other by a large dispensation of economy.  In the other twenty-some Eastern Catholic Churches, the power of conferral of the mystery of crowning/sacrament of marriage is reserved to the priest to this day. The priest is also granted the life-giving power of healing and restoration through confession in the journey through the world, and in the finality of wounds and mortality, through the anointing of the sick. Finally, He would reign as a king of His people forever, the determinative increase of which would be accomplished through the instrument of holy orders.The essential male principle in all of created human life, and the priestly principle in salvation, is entering and determinative, and loving in giving, and all this by initiative. God accomplished this by revelation of his own identity as Father and Son and King, through the hypostasis of his own image in creation that most aptly corresponded to his own self. He brought about redemption and salvation, not merely through function, but through a new determinative act, fittingly grounded in the Godly image of a man, whom he created by knowing himself.

Witness to the Truth in Contemporary Milieu

Human Culture Falling from the Truth.  This beautiful salvation drama of complementarity is received with much blindness in the spiritual wasteland of post-industrial, post-feminist America.  The consequent loss of appreciation of the male and the female vocations in the natural life of society harms the reception of the Catholic truth about holy orders and the nature of the Church. The causes of this blindness are multiplex, as doxa and praxisare mutually inter-related in earthly life. These causes need to be understood, so that a strategic pastoral response can be established. Perhaps, the largest cause is the removal of the father from the home through the industrial revolution, with the consequent loss of mentoring and role-modeling in manly work. This imbalance in family ecology was only driven to deeper disorder by the entering of women into the workforce, a negative opportunity to devalue the intimacy of human caring and the making of the home.  The wedge separating humanity from love was deepened by the wound of feminism, which devalued both men and marriage.  Underlying much of these wounds to communion were the philosophical zeitgeists of the age, particularly individualism and nominalism. Individualism invited the human family to see the purpose of life as individual pleasure, a fall from the heights of marital self-giving and self-union.  This made contraception seem, at first, tolerable to the Episcopalians in 1930, then a good, and even a necessity, afterwards.  The momentum of that historic move has now brought us to the state where, what was uniformly held to be an evil in Christian wisdom, is now portrayed as a good, worthy of compulsion, such that Catholics who still know it to be evil must now be forced, under the penalty of destitution, to pay for it. Contraception devalues men by telling them that in their normal health, they are no longer needed or desired. For women, it masquerades as liberation, and, yet, treats a woman’s normal condition as a disease. In doing so, contraception devalues women more than it does men.  The stage is now set for people to no longer accept each another, but rather to manipulate and use one another.  The human ecology is toxically polluted.

Recent American history has also set before us the full ghastly harvest of nominalism. Nominalism asserts that things don’t have an enduring intrinsic nature, but are merely what we choose to name them. Marital relations become “sex,” and sex in marriage falls to equal value with sex outside of marriage (fornication); sex with a one while married to another (adultery), or sex inverted against complementarity (homosexuality), or inter-species sex (bestiality). Further, human identities can now be fabricated based on the activities of one’s lust interests, primarily through the social construct of “orientation.” This destruction of truth was expressed in full evil power by the feticide-affirming Supreme Court decision, Casey v. Planned Parenthood. The same fiction was quoted by the U.S. Supreme Court through the neck-snapping reversal of the right of states to outlaw sodomy in the case Lawrence vs. Texas.  In legalizing homosexuality throughout the country in 1995, they offered an unparalleled wide and enthusiastic endorsement of delusion, declaring that: “At the heart of liberty, is the right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life.” 14 According to this legislation, disguised as judgment, you are now “free” to be whatever you chose to call yourself. Can there be such a thing as freedom from the truth?

Perhaps, the best retort to this genre of horror science fiction has been attributed to the brutally honest, non-Christian philosopher, Ayn Rand, who wrote: “We can avoid reality, but we can’t avoid the consequences of avoiding reality!” 15 The destructive darkness of homosexuality has now taken center stage in today’s culture wars. Found by research to be a pathology, the homosexual inclination was removed from the official list of psychiatric disorders in 1973, not by reasoned debate and evidence, but through a massive gay protest upon a minority of the American Psychiatric Association. 16  Historically, homosexuality was discovered to be a type of neurosis, although persons suffering from homosexual inclinations were also noted to have some characteristics of psychosis. Today, this disorder demands that the masses cry “intolerance,” “discrimination,” and “hatred” when people even entertain this part of the truth about mankind.

A Return to Sanity:  Rebuilding the City of Love

In this wasteland of florid immorality and massively discarded truth, it is little wonder that the faithful have trouble appreciating the beauty of the two-fold splendor of embodied human life, and the vocations that proceed from our wondrously-created being in the plan of our Creator.  Still, in our faithfulness to God, it falls to the Church, as the announcer of the Good News concerning mankind, and more especially to her priests, to begin re-establishing a civilization of truth and love, and the life that springs forth from them.

It seems we would do well to start with the family.  A renewed appreciation, study, and application of human husbandry, fatherhood, brotherhood, and son-ship must be cultivated in our churches. The same work needs to be done on the feminine vocations of wife, mother, sister, and daughter.  A study of the men’s movement, the works of St. John Chrysostom on marriage, and the richness of the deeply incarnational cultures of immigrants from the patriarchal homelands of the Eastern Churches, seem to be particularly promising here. In regard to home life, the principle of complementarity merits recovery and exposition.  Complementarity is union through difference, but with flexibility.  The truth about marital life in natural family planning also needs ubiquitous exposition, beginning during youth, and presented together with a wise critique of current flawed social mores.  Theologically, the glory of procreating a soul that can live forever—a glory surpassing that of work or career—needs to be put before the faithful in all its splendor.
Programs of mentoring, with rigorous safeguards, need to be developed in raising boys and girls in their particular vocations. In this mission of mentoring, men need to catch-up to women, emphasizing an increasing role with each degree of separation of the son from the mother. The return to programs of male-only altar servers would be a welcome restoration, and a positive advance, both symbolically-liturgically and developmentally.  The richness of gender differentiation needs to be fortified at the level of marriage preparation and baptismal formation. Parental formation of vocation-recognition needs to be incorporated in the family formation for first communion and confession, which correspond to some of the earliest times of possible recognition of vocations. Gender-segregated schools provide a wonderful opportunity for the appreciation and development of the male and the female vocations.

On the societal level, the freedom of integrity-filled programs, such as the Boy Scouts, need to be rigorously defended in the public square. Catholic society would do well to develop rites and customs of the veneration of sacrifice of both priesthood and of parenthood, especially for mothers. Programs need to be developed to shift female employment away from the warrior task of the military.  Catholics need to point out that the homosexual simulation of marriage is not the same thing as marriage itself. We do not create reality in the most basic sense; rather, we are measured by it, and are challenged to accurately receive it. Catholics should witness to the world that true mercy does not ever offend the complete truth, and that it is fitting for society to enshrine the full differentiation of male and female, above the mutilation of nature to serve the enslaving activity of lust. To wit, children with gender wounds found at birth, or during later development, need to be raised with special tenderness, and a legitimate tolerance according to their genetic gender. The possibility of developmental problems at birth in this regard should be raised in marriage preparation as a fitting exposition of the glory of men and women, and as a defense against threats to their fulfillment. The psychiatric truth about the homosexual pathology also needs to become current among faithful, so that they can respond to the developing wounded with healing support and direction. This will become increasingly clear as the male vocation in family and society is made known.  In regard to holy orders, faithful parents and single adults need to understand that the homosexual handicap is all-too often the cause of a false, and wickedly destructive “sociological vocation” to the priesthood, and should be viewed with great suspicion.  The magical thinking of homosexuals would leave them vulnerable to resisting this truth.

In Conclusion 
This broad-based approach for witness to the full truth about man will provide our faithful with the ground from which to see the truth about the priesthood, granted recently from the See of Peter, with the merciful goal of “removing all doubt.”  We will return to an ability to understand, not just the “that,” but the “why” the Catholic Church “has no authority whatsoever to ordain women.”  They will see that this truth is neither restricting nor negative, but a liberating positive for the blossoming of his body, the Church, and full human development, both individual and societal.

  1. Ordinatio Sacerdotalis. May 22, 1994. “Priestly ordination. . .has in the Catholic Church from the beginning always been reserved to men alone. . . in accordance with God’s plan for His church. . .Christ established things in this way. . .in a completely free and sovereign manner. . .without conforming to the prevailing customs and . . .traditions. . .of the time. . .in virtue of my ministry of confirming the brethren, (cf. Lk22:32) I declare that the Church has no authority whatsoever to confer priestly ordination on women and that this judgment is to be definitively held by all the Church’s faithful.”
  2. Response to the Letter of His Grace the Most Reverend Dr. F. D. Coggan, Archbishop of Canterbury, concerning the Ordination of Women to the Priesthood (30 November 1975): AAS 68 (1976); Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Declaration Inter Insigniores on the Question of the Admission of Women to the Ministerial Priesthood (15 October 1976): AAS 69 (1977); Address on the Role of Women in the Plan of Salvation (30 January 1977) Insegnamenti, XV (1977).
  3. St. John Chrysostom, whom Greek Catholics remember as “our holy father among the saints,” offers two arguments against the theoretical possibility of women priests.  First, that the priesthood is so august that “when one is required to preside over the Church, and to be entrusted with the care of so many souls, the whole female sex must retire before the magnitude of the task, and the majority of men also. . . .” Secondly, that “The divine law indeed has excluded women from the ministry, but they endeavor to thrust themselves into it; and since they can effect nothing of themselves, they do all through the agency of others; and they have become invested with so much power that they can appoint or eject priests at their will: Chrysostom himself experienced the truth of this, for it was through the influence of Eudoxia, the wife of the Emperor Arcadius, that he was deposed from the See of Constantinople and banished. Things in fact are turned upside down, and the proverbial saying may be seen realized: “The ruled lead the rulers:” and would that it were men who do this instead of women, who have not received a commission to teach. Why do I say teach? For the blessed Paul did not suffer them even to speak in the Church (1 Cor. Xiv. 34: 1 Tim.ii. 12). But I have heard someone say that they have obtained such a large privilege of free speech, as even to rebuke the prelates of the Churches, and censure them more severely than masters do their own domestics.” On the Priesthood. II.2. & III.9 Trans. by Rev. W. R. W. Stevens.  The Nicene and Ante-Nicene Fathers. Vol. IX (Eerdmans; Grand Rapids, MI: 1989).
  4. In the original Greek, άνθροπων, means a man, as in a “human’ or “member of the human race;” ανήρ, or “male, man, husband”; and γυνή, “woman, female.” And so while there is a different name for men as all males, versus men as all humans, the general noun describing all of either sex is from the same root as the word for all males. The English language is similar, yet different. The word “men” means all people, but more originally “males,” in particular; females, in specific differentiation, are termed by the qualifier modification wo-man. The correspondence of all these to “human” is a phonemic accident developing from the Latin, homo. In the prominent liturgical language of Ukrainian, there are males, choloviky, and females, zhinky. Yet the word to describe the Lover of Mankind, in Greek, philanthropōs, is expressed in Ukrainian through the male form, cholovikolyoubets’. Universally, there is a great human tendency to describe all of the human race in terms of the original and giving determinative male principle. There is solid basis in anthropology, linguistics and salvation history to prefer the term “mankind” over that of “humankind” for the descendants of Adam and Eve.
  5. During the main Divine Liturgy of the Catholic Church of the Ukrainian Rite, in the preparatory prayer to the final doxology before the distribution of the awesome life-giving mysteries of Christ in the mystical banquet of holy communion, Christ is petitioned to provide his all-holy and healing presence as the “physician of our souls and bodies.” The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. (Toronto: The Synod of the Hierarchy of the Ukrainian Catholic Church & the Basilian Press, 1988) p.67.
  6. The term “salvation,” means saving, but more historically, “healing.”
  7. From the anaphora of St. Basil the Great, the part of the liturgy of the same name that corresponds to the to the “Eucharistic Prayer” in the Novus Ordo, or Ordinary Form, of the Catholic Church of the Latin Rite. Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great. (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Byzantine Ruthenian Metropolitan Province of the United States, 1976). p.40.
  8. The Historical Books. In Eerdmans’ Handbook to the Bible. Ed. By David Alexander & Pat Alexander. (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1978;) p.218.
  9. In the Old Covenant, the priestly tribe did not have their own separate land.  In the new covenant, the priests who are celibate do not have their earthly families. These priests of the Old Covenant prefigure celibacy in the new rite, and they are the norm by law in the Catholic Church of the Latin Rite (exceptions are rare). But, in the Catholic Churches of the Eastern Rites, such priests are celibate by choice alone, with some exceptions.
  10. This is name of the faithful of the New Covenant since the time of the earliest Fathers of the Church, who themselves heard the apostles.  “Where the assembly of faithful are gathered, let the bishop preside, just as where Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church.” St. Ignatius of Antioch, Letter to the Magnesians. In The Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol .11. p.118 (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans, 1989). St. Ignatius, who died c.107 AD, personally knew the apostle John.
  11. Moore, Keith L. The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology. (Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Co., 1982). Pp.272, 274.
  12. The ancients did not perceive the personhood of the Spirit, but rather only predicated an inanimate force.  In Hebrew, spirit is from the same word as wind or breath, ru’ah (feminine); in Greek, pneuma, impersonally neuter.  In Latin and Ukrainian, this third person of the Holy Trinity is masculine:  Spiritus and Dux.
  13. In the Ukrainian Church, priests are bidden to remember that baptism should not be separated from chrismation (confirmation).  Yet, the entire Catholic Church allows an exception for baptism in emergency cases.  This exception is not extended merely to other Catholics, or even to all Christians (men and women).  It is rather given to any sapient human willing to do what the Church intends.  The reason for this economic extension of the love of God is his desire to extend the benefits of eternal life to incarnate man as far as possible.
  14. Lawrence v. Texas. 539, US 558, p. 574.
  15. Citation not found.
  16. Sorba, Ryan. Homosexual Activists Intimidate American Psychiatric Association into Removing Homosexuality from List of Disorders. 

segunda-feira, 4 de março de 2013

Cardeal escocês admite "comportamento sexual" inapropriado

In Expresso

O cardeal escocês Keith O'Brien, que se demitiu na segunda-feira do cargo de arcebispo, devido a acusações de conduta indecente, reconheceu hoje ter tido um "comportamento sexual" inapropriado, e pediu "perdão às pessoas que ofendeu".

"As últimas duas acusações que foram feitas contra mim tornaram-se públicas. No início, contestei-as devido ao seu caráter anónimo e impreciso. Agora, quero aproveitar a oportunidade para reconhecer que o meu comportamento sexual ficou, por vezes, aquém dos padrões que se esperariam de um padre, de um arcebispo e de um cardeal", declarou o alto dignitário, em comunicado.

"Àqueles que ofendi, apresento as minhas desculpas e peço perdão. À Igreja Católica e ao povo da Escócia, também peço desculpa", acrescentou o mais velho clérigo britânico da Igreja Católica, com 74 anos.

Estas declarações surgem após a publicação, a 24 de fevereiro, no jornal britânico The Observer, de um artigo em que três padres e um ex-padre acusavam o cardeal O'Brien de ter tido "comportamentos indecentes" para com eles, a partir dos anos 1980.

Um padre queixou-se de ter sido vítima de atenções indesejadas por parte do cardeal, após um serão "bem regado".

Um outro afirmou que O'Brien aproveitava as orações noturnas para ter atitudes impróprias.

O cardeal negou, então, tais acusações, mas um dia após a sua divulgação, anunciou, todavia, a demissão do cargo de arcebispo de Saint Andrews e Edimburg, na Escócia, e decidiu renunciar à participação no conclave destinado a eleger o sucessor do papa Bento XVI.

domingo, 3 de março de 2013

O escândalo insano de uma loucura colossal - por Nuno Serras Pereira

03. 03. 2013

Previno, desde já, o leitor incauto de que o tropeço presente de que vou tratar é da maior gravidade e que, além disso, não encontra paralelo na história da humanidade. Sendo de tão grande cópia os textos em que tenho abordado temas tão criticáveis, dolorosos e oprobriosos é natural, e não sei se mesmo recomendável, que arreceados do que vão encontrar, os leitores, se porventura os há, se quedem por aqui. No caso de haver algum mais destemido, talvez seja de maior rigor escrever temerário ou mesmo desvairado, que, não obstante, o grande temor e tremor, se arrisque, com perigo de perder a própria vida, a prosseguir, de novo o advirto que pense, reflexione e pondere se quer e está mesmo decidido a fazê-lo. Creio, embora hesitante e duvidoso, que postos todos estes alertas e recomendações posso agora abordar, embora relutantemente, o assunto para o qual o título deste artigo aponta. Antes, no entanto, para não entrar de chofre abalando violentamente os corações mais intrépidos que bravamente se aventuram nesta leitura, procurarei prepará-los introduzindo-os com amenidades edificantes no que ao depois direi. 

Saberá quem até aqui se atreveu que uma médica de um grande hospital garantiu-me ter sido testemunha ocular do seguinte episódio. Um ministro da saúde de um governo que não este, há poucos anos, recusou-se a entrar num hospital enquanto não retiraram um Crucificado (= Crucifixo) do espaço de entrada do mesmo. Este político, antes de ser alçado como garante da saúde dos portugueses, era comentador residente de uma estação emissora de rádio, que se afirma, quotidianamente, católica, nela advogou a liberalização do aborto, isto é, da matança sistemática perpetrada pelos serviços que chefiava. É-me árduo compreender como é que esta emissora e os demais órgãos de comunicação social, que acompanhavam esta visita oficial omitiram esta atitude tão exemplarmente construtiva e democrática, de uma personalidade de tão alta grandeza.

Este insigne personagem pertence a uma ilustríssima loja maçónica, como aliás o são todas, na qual, como de resto nas demais, se exige os espezinhamento do Crucifixo (= Crucificado) nos ritos de iniciação a determinado grau, como revela, entre variadíssimos outros autores, o Sacerdote Católico e Professor Catedrático Manuel Guerra, no seu livro A Trama Maçónica. Percebe-se pois que o governo para que foi convidado se tenha fortemente empenhado na nobilíssima tarefa de expulsar o Crucificado (Crucifixo) das escolas públicas, de legalizar o casamento entre pessoas do mesmo sexo, de liberalizar o divórcio expresso e sem culpa, de liberalizar e financiar o aborto, patrocinando o subsídio de maternidade para as mães grávidas que propositadamente eliminassem, a pedido, a seus filhos, através dos serviços de saúde do estado ou com ele convencionados. Desaparecida, do espaço público, a presença e influência maligna do Crucifixo (Crucificado), que perverte as pessoas ensinando-as e fortificando-as na dávida de si mesmas, no sacrifício em prole daqueles que amam, e mesmo dos que as odeiam, finalmente se podia celebrar o benigno triunfo narcisista do “eu”, do seu salutar egocentrismo, do seu benfazejo utilitarismo, do seu benéfico hedonismo, do seu, enfim, admirável relativismo. Felizmente, deixamos agora esta introdução suave e aprazível e começamos a adentrarmo-nos, ainda que não de supetão, na soturnidade tenebrosa do sórdido horror, a proposta fanática de um frade demente foi prontamente repelida por católicos esclarecidos e conceituados, em vários órgãos de comunicação social, e muito ajuizadamente ignorada por prelados iluminados que, importa reconhecê-lo com gratidão, já tinham deixado cair em desuso nas suas escolas, colégios e outros espaços a presença dessa maldição ignominiosa do Crucificado (Crucifixo).

Chegamos agora, advirto-vos instantemente que não avancem na leitura, à mais execrável abjecção, ao ressurgir da malignidade asquerosa do mais infame fundamentalismo. Graças ao grande arquitecto, que o infame não tem praticamente encontrado ressonância nem apoios à sua repugnante iniciativa. Afortunadamente que os católicos de hoje, tão bem formados pelos nossos ilustrados pedagogos, entendem muito bem a insensatez cretina e se abstêm de contribuir ou cumpliciarem-se no empestamento das mentalidades e das consciências, dando-se às coisas verdadeiramente essenciais, repulsando o absurdo inominável de que a redenção ou salvação possam vir pela tortura e pela morte de um homem. Têm mais que fazer do que dar crédito a tamanhas patranhas de péssimo gosto. Se ainda fosse um ressuscitado, uma fábula detestável, é certo, mas que pelo menos pode ter uma interpretação alegórica sem que nos alembremos da petalhada de um morto que voltou à vida!!! Alguns, escravos ainda da abominável superstição, mantêm o Crucifixo (Crucificado) paredes dentro, estes têm pelo menos o bom senso de não nos agredir expondo-o publicamente. De qualquer modo, teremos de velar pela saúde e integridade das crianças sujeitas crudelissimamente a essa brutal violência doméstica por parte de seus pais, os maiores inimigos dos filhos, tornando crime público essa injusta exposição, será esse um próximo passo, que estamos preparando.

Mas importa ir mais longe, extirpar a raiz daninha e peçonhenta que está na origem de tudo. Este intolerante contumaz foi formatado por uma organização fundada por um alucinado delirante de quem é discípulo – Francisco de Assis. Esse adoidejado embezerrou-se tão maniacamente no Crucifixo (Crucificado) que na sua delusão exaltada julgou ter visto vindo dos ares o Cristo fixado na cruz, cheio de asas, imprimindo-o, com lampejos de fogo disparados de suas chagas, com os seus estigmas, feitos cravos em seus pés e mãos, da cor do ferro escuro com as cabeças de um lado, e do outro, as pontas dobradas e rebatidas, e mais uma ferida que no peito que derramava sangue. O facto de não haver testemunhas que desmintam estes sucessos narrados pelos biógrafos, pelo contrário mesmo as cépticas, entre as quias se encontravam médicos e cardeais, as comprovaram depois da sua morte, não significa que não seja, como é, um caso de histerismos extremo ou de uma emergência espontânea nanotecnolgiconatural antecipada, que se nos dias de hoje a ciência ainda não consegue explicar certamente o fará, se não dentro de algumas décadas ou séculos, seguramente daqui a alguns milhões ou então biliões de anos ou quando os multiversos se compenetrarem formidavelmente em fusões puramente casuais, inesperadas e deslumbrantes. 

O pancão de Assis foi produto de um húmus empapado das mais alucinogénias e virais toxinas de sempre, cujas origens remontam ao destrambelho palonço do maldito dependurado na cruz, primeiro perseguido e depois propagandeado pelo tresloucado Paulo de Tarso. Os frenesis obstinados e febris desta mente desvairado são patentes nos dislates dos seus escritos:

“A linguagem da cruz é certamente loucura para os que se perdem mas, para os que se salvam, para nós, é força de Deus.” (1 Cor 1, 18)

“Quanto a mim, porém, de nada me quero gloriar, a não ser na cruz de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo, pela qual o mundo está crucificado para mim e eu para o mundo.” (Gal 6, 14)

“(Cristo) anulou a lei, que contém os mandamentos em forma de prescrições, para, a partir do judeu e do pagão, criar em si próprio um só homem novo, fazendo a paz, e para os reconciliar com Deus, num só Corpo, por meio da cruz, matando assim a inimizade.” (Ef 2, 15-16)

“(Cristo) rebaixou-se a si mesmo, tornando-se obediente até à morte e morte de cruz.” (Filp 2, 8)

“É que muitos … são … inimigos da cruz de Cristo” (Filp 3, 18)

“Já não sou eu que vivo, mas é Cristo que vive em mim. E a vida que agora tenho na carne, vivo-a na fé do Filho de Deus que me amou e a si mesmo se entregou (deixando-se crucificar) por mim.” (Gal 2, 20)

“ … nós pregamos um Messias (Cristo) crucificado, escândalo para os judeus e loucura para os gentios.” (1 Cor 1, 23)

Claro que todo este desatino foi bebido do amaldiçoado pregado no madeiro:

“Quem não tomar a sua cruz para me seguir, não é digno de mim.” (Mt 10, 38)

“Jesus disse, então, aos discípulos: «Se alguém quiser vir comigo, renuncie a si mesmo, tome a sua cruz e siga-me.” (Mt16, 24)

“Jesus, levando a cruz às costas, saiu para o chamado Lugar da Caveira, que em hebraico se diz Gólgota” (Jo 19, 17)

“Junto à cruz de Jesus estavam, de pé, sua mãe e a irmã da sua mãe, Maria, a mulher de Clopas, e Maria Madalena.” (Jo 19, 25)

Está assim explicado o desacerto mental e a patologia religiosa do intolerante fanático que nos quer impingir os estandartes de Cristo para o Ano da Fé. Felizmente, que actualmente os Católicos são esclarecidos, e dotados de uma saudável capacidade de escândalo perante a insanidade do Crucificado; e ainda de uma profunda lucidez laicista que os leva a reconhecer a loucura colossal do Crucifixo.